Abdominal etching is the most unique, body contouring request as it is reserved for high definition liposuction surgical plans ONLY. The contouring and etching of the abdomen using VASER liposuction technology consist of eliminating fat from the abdomen comprehensibly to achieve a chiseled or lean result.
Surpassing traditional liposuctions' limitation to deep fat removal, VASER liposuction is the only modality that allows the surgeons to remove the deep as well as the superficial fat. Removal of the superficial and deep layers of fat of the abdomen results in defining the underlying muscles that allow for sculpting/etching of the abdomen.
Abdominal etching requires hollowing out the semi lunaris, linea alba, and inscription gulleys that result in defining the rectus muscles otherwise known as the 4 or 6 packs. Highly skilled surgeons are expert sculptors as they maintain an appreciation of the muscle anatomy and can contour the abdomen to your unique capacity.
For jaw-dropping abdominal etching results, artistry, a detailed surgical plan, and precise execution is required.