Male Body Contouring can be achieved through High Definition Liposuction of the abdomen, chest, back, buttocks, and arms.
Abdominal etching- Abdominal etching is a male body contouring procedure that achieves a defined, washboard abdomen. Sculpting out the fat around the muscles allows skilled surgeons who are well experienced and appreciate the anatomy of the abdomen to successfully strengthen the appearance of the male abdomen, accentuating the underlying, existing muscle into the universally desired six-pack appearance.
Chest masculinization- Chest masculinization refers to the contouring of the male chest to form an “armor plate” masculine appearance. The "armor plate" appearance is defined by a flat chest that possesses a strong and bold perimeter with linear borders and pentagonal shape.
Gynecomastia repair- Gynecomastia is a condition that describes a feminized breast shape in males that is full and rounded in appearance. Males that are unsatisfied with their larger breasts are candidates for gynecomastia repair. Male breast reduction is an effective treatment for those with gynecomastia, which allows for removing the excess fat and glandular tissue that is responsible for feminizing the chest appearance.
Back and buttocks contouring- The shape of the male back and buttocks can be improved by trimming the excess fat of the lower back and flank region. Eliminating excess fat and skin from the flanks and lower back that is interposed on a buttock that is firm and "square" shaped is essential to creating a more athletic build and overall aesthetically pleasing male appearance.
Arm contouring- Males who desire arms with defined musculature can achieve this look by arm contouring. Arm contouring is predicated on improving the shape of the arm muscles, which include the deltoids, biceps, and triceps muscle. In addition to removing excess fat, arm definition can be improved by bulking up the muscles with intramuscular fat grafting.
If you are noticing a receding hairline or hair loss on the top of your head, the transfer of single unit hair follicle grafts is the state of the art in reversing this undesired side effect of male aging. Single unit hair grafts, i.e. FUE, have the advantage of effectively replacing hair loss while avoiding a donor site deformity.
If you are tired of having to shave your beard or neckline daily, or if you are self-conscious about the hair on your body, we encourage you to undergo near-permanent hair reduction with Intense Pulsed Light therapy (IPL). Following 8 sessions of IPL performed every two months, you will be guaranteed 5 years of significant hair growth reduction.
If you are feeling aged in your face, you should consider a facial rejuvenation procedure or surgery. For patients demonstrating minimal to moderate facial aging changes, ablative resurfacing and subdermal coagulation to tighten the neck skin with Renuvion technology can provide several years of rejuvenation. For patients observing moderate to severe facial aging changes such as extensive neck skin redundancy or prominent jowls, a formal facelift or neck lift should be considered which are the GOLD standard for facial rejuvenation and provide permanent facial rejuvenation.
If you are desiring improvement in your body contour, you should consider high definition liposuction of the chest, body, arms, and back which can transform your body providing armor plate chest appearance and a chiseled abdomen.
If you are a male who feels self-conscious about your appearance, we encourage you to make a consultation with Dr. Paris to appreciate the difference that male plastic surgery can make for you.