My breasts look very natural, no one would know I had implants. The scaring is so minimal and the way he placed my breasts, you can’t even see the scars head on, no scaring at all, around my areola. My stomach is flat, I feel comfortable wearing a bikini and I look amazing! I just went back last week as I had some fat on the inside of my knees that I just couldn’t get rid of, he gave me a great price on liposuction so I scheduled for the following week. It only took about 25 minutes and the fat is gone. It’s been a week and I barely have any bruising…they look amazing and they are even still a bit swollen. I don’t typically write many reviews but felt compelled to do so for Our Surgical Team as he is such an amazing doctor and just an all-around nice person. When I’m ready for that face lift, I’ll be going back!