A mommy makeover with a tummy tuck and breast augmentation is an incredible total body transformation that can regain your youthful physique. Immediately after pregnancy, you may notice your breast and body are not returning to your pre-pregnancy look.
Unfortunately, depending on your age, your skin’s ability to snap back into place degrades over time and you may be left with skin looseness in your abdomen. However, since this is such a common occurrence, there are several cosmetic plastic surgery procedures that aim to correct this abdominal contour.
A mommy makeover will almost always contain some aspect of stomach contouring. However, you should only get an excision surgery if it is absolutely necessary. If you can avoid an incision line scar, you should. In order to consistently determine if a tummy tuck is absolutely necessary, Our Surgical Team developed the high definition liposuction body scale to grade each body part independently on a scale of 2-10.
This scale is now used nation-wide by plastic surgeons that Our Surgical Team has trained in high definition body contouring. It consists of measuring the quantity of fat with the quantity and quality of skin in each body region. If your abdomen grades between a 2-4, you need a full abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, to address all the extra skin and bring your stomach up to a 7-8 on the body scale.
If you do not present with diastasis recti, meaning your stomach muscles are tight and intact, Our Surgical Team can utilize a special high definition tummy tuck protocol that allows him to combine a full tummy tuck with HD liposuction to bring your abdomen all the way to a 9 or 10 in one procedure. However, most post-pregnancy patients have stomach diastasis and require muscle tightening as well.
In this case, muscle plication must also be included in your tummy tuck surgery which hinders the possibility for simultaneous liposuction. In that case, you would need to wait 3-6 months after the initial surgery to get abdominal etching with HD liposuction.
Mommy Makeover: Breast Augmentation
After you have finished breastfeeding for 6 months, you may assess your breast appearance and determine if you desire a breast augmentation as a part of your mommy makeover surgery.
The primary reason for waiting 6 months is to allow the glands to dry up and reveal you are true breast appearance. An experienced plastic surgeon approaches each patient like an artist approaches a blank canvas.
If your breast contour is still changing throughout the post-pregnancy period, your surgeon cannot provide a definitive breast surgery to get you to your desired appearance. There are several ways to perform a breast augmentation.
At Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute, we have all shapes and sizes available at your initial consultation to determine if your ideal breast appearance requires an implant augmentation. Through the increased fat transfer viability of Our Surgical Team’s VASER liposuction protocol, more and more patients are opting for a Natural Breast Augmentation (NBA) which utilizes your own fat to provide fuller, rounder breasts.
If you have any questions about a mommy makeover with a tummy tuck and breast augmentation, contact Newport Beach plastic surgeon, Mirzania MD FACS for a free consultation today.
This 35-year-old female 3 months following a customized mommy make-over which included breast augmentation and tummy tuck surgery.