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Male breast surgery refers to the reduction of excess fat and skin in the male breast that results in a feminine appearance, also known as gynecomastia. Dr Mirzania will answers all you male breast surgery recovery questions.
A common complaint among men is not being able to lose weight despite following a regular exercise routine and diet plan. Excess glandular tissue is the primary cause of enlarged male breasts in many patients like this.
High definition liposuction and direct excision is the treatment of choice to remove excess glandular tissue. However, while gynecomastia surgery only focuses on the gland removal, male breast surgery puts an extra focus on contouring the male chest to look masculinized, like an armored plate.
The treatment focuses on removing excess fat, in turn improving body proportions and chest contour. Coupled with a healthy lifestyle and a successful male breast surgery recovery, the patient will notice amazing results long after the procedure is done.
Male Breast Surgery Protocol
In order to create the ideal male chest appearance, a very strict operative protocol must be followed. Accurate preoperative markings are the first step for any successful high definition liposuction surgeon. Our Surgical Team’s male chest liposuction follows these simple guidelines:
Areas in the illustration with a “+” denote areas of fat injections. Areas with a “-” denote areas of fat removal. Areas with a “0” denote areas that should be left alone. Following this surgical design allows Dr. Mirania to create a strong, masculine chest appearance with a straight line that resembles a pentagonal shape.
You will go through extensive high definition liposuction male breast surgery recovery protocol to manage any pain or swelling that you may have. This includes personal compression garments and lymphatic massages every other day for the first 2 weeks after surgery.
If you have any male breast surgery recovery questions, contact us at the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute for a free consultation with Our Surgical Team today!
37-year-old male after high definition liposuction surgery with Dr. Arian Mirzania MD, FACS.