Mommy makeover to eliminate stretch marks is an extremely appealing plastic surgery procedure for any potential patient looking to reverse the signs of aging and pregnancy. As seen in this patient here, even an abdomen that is slim and has some slight muscle definition can be distorted by the overlying skin.
For that exact reason, Our Surgical Team begins every Mommy makeover to eliminate stretch marks consultation at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute with a detailed physical exam using his world-renowned High Definition Liposuction Body Scale.
This tool, which has been taught to plastic surgeons across the country, creates the perfect surgical plan to completely address both excess fat and skin in each body part. So why is a mommy makeover perfect to eliminate stretch marks?
The only way to one hundred percent remove stretch marks in the skin is to cut them out. By eliminating this skin, it will be like you never had stretch marks in the first place. However, if you perform a mini or full tummy tuck on a patient that scores between a 6-8 on the HDL body scale, you will end up creating stretch marks of your own so the mommy makeover to eliminate stretch marks procedure will not be met.
That is because a 6-8 indicated minimal skin looseness so a surgical excision is not necessary to contour the abdomen, HD Liposuction is all you need for the mommy makeover to eliminate stretch marks procedure. However, in the case of stretch marks in a mommy makeover, 2 out of every 3 mothers have stomach muscle looseness following pregnancy.
In mommy makeover to eliminate stretch marks, not only does this process stretch your skin, but it also stretches your muscles below as well. As such, a vast majority of mommy makeover patients score between a 2-4 on the HDL body scale and require a full tummy tuck to tighten these muscles down and eliminate all the excess skin.
Like this patient seen here, cutting the loose skin out and tightening the abdomen results in the elimination of any stretch marks that may have been previously visible. See before and after surgery of the mommy makeover to eliminate stretch marks procedure.
If you have stretch marks from a prior pregnancy and are ready to finally be done with your post-pregnancy body, contact Newport Beach plastic surgeon Mirzania MD FACS for a free consultation today.
This 43-year-old female 3 months following Mommy Makeover with bilateral breast augmentation and full tummy tuck.