A mini tummy tuck, also known as a mini-abdominoplasty, will not only provide you with the elimination of the slightly redundant skin and fat on your abdomen but the removal of lower belly stretch marks. As well as removing that stubborn skin and fat that you cannot seem to work out, a mini tummy tuck also removes stretch marks. This elimination of the lower belly stretch marks is one of the many benefits to a mini tummy tuck.
Depending on how far your stretch marks from your lower belly extend, a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck can be recommended. A mini tummy tuck can remove the lower belly stretch marks, although it does not have the extension to upper belly stretch marks.
How far up your stretch marks can be removed also relies on the stretch marks in regards to your belly button location. The location of the belly button, where the incision line will be placed, and the stretch marks in relation to the both, determine if you will have a mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck.
Your incision line should be placed right above your pubic triangle, aesthetically made, and placed where your bikini covers. For proportions and aesthetic beauty, the belly button cannot be any closer than 7 cm to the mini tummy tuck incision line. If stretch marks are present anywhere below the 7 cm mark, extending down to the pubic line, y Mirzania is a mini tummy tuck and body contouring specialist, offering complimentary consultations to both men and women.
Please see this 46-year-old female 2 months following a mini tummy tuck and bilateral breast reduction. Please note an improvement in overall breast and body contour, including the removal of stretch marks.