Mini Tummy tucks in Los Angeles

mini tummy tuck in Los Angeles
33 year old female 3 months following a mini tummy tuck with Our Surgical Team – front view
mini tummy tuck in Los Angeles
33 year old female 3 months following a mini tummy tuck with Our Surgical Team – right oblique view
mini tummy tuck in Los Angeles
33 year old female 3 months following a mini tummy tuck with Our Surgical Team – left view
33 year old female 3 months following a mini tummy tuck with Our Surgical Team – right view
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Why should you get a mini tummy tuck in Los Angeles with Mirzania? Board-certified in plastic surgery for over 20 years, Our Surgical Team has performed over 10,000 cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. Through all these trials and tribulations, Our Surgical Team has emerged as a master innovator of high definition body contouring.

The high definition liposuction body scale was developed by Our Surgical Team to provide definitive and consistent high definition results. The distinguishing factor between traditional body contouring surgeries and high definition is the anatomical focus on muscle highlights.

Therefore, the HDL body scale measures the amount of fat and skin as well as skin texture at each anatomical location in order to determine which surgical protocol will raise the score up to a perfect 9 or 10.

A mini tummy tuck is used simultaneously with VASER when your abdomen scores between a 4 and 5. While you may fear a surgical excision and visible scar, the alternative is actually much worse.

If you get HD Liposuction of the abdomen and your excess skin is ignored, you will most likely get a deformed, wrinkly appearance that can only be corrected with a revision. In fact, Dr. Mirzania performs liposuction revision surgeries of this exact error every week.

Why is a mini tummy tuck important in high definition liposuction? The answer is simpler than you think. One of the most stubborn areas of excess skin and fat is in the lower abdomen, below the belly button.

Additionally, one of the keys to beautiful abs is the appearance of a vertical shaped belly button. Our Surgical Team can utilize a mini tummy tuck to completely eliminate all lower belly fat and skin, create an ideal belly button and still use HD VASER liposuction of the rest of the abdomen to create that 4 or 6 pack look.

If you are interested in a mini tummy tuck in Los Angeles, contact Mirzania MD FACS for a complimentary consultation today!

This 33 year old female 3 months following a mini tummy tuck with Our Surgical Team

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Author: Paris Sabo MD
Fellowship Trained, Cosmetic Surgeon

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