How can a facelift go wrong? There are multiple ways a facelift surgery can go wrong, and that is why you always want to go with an expert, experienced, and artistic surgeon to gain the best results. Some of the ways a facelift operation may go wrong are that not enough skin is removed.
Are you someone who is seriously looking into getting a facelift, but are extremely worried about the things that can go wrong or how can a facelift go wrong? Our Surgical Team is a world-renowned plastic surgeon who is especially good with the artistic aspect of the surgery and the detailed sculpting of a facelift; therefore, he can create some of the most spectacular results, with little to no room for error. Before you can worry about whether or not your facelift can go wrong, you need to make sure you understand the things that can go wrong during a facelift.
So how can a facelift go wrong? When not enough skin is removed you can end up looking loose and saggy prematurely. Conversely, if too much skin is removed, you can look tight and unnatural. When the skin is repaired with tension, you will also develop unsightly scars that give away the fact that you have had a facelift. Another common complication of facelifts is the development of a blood pocket, called a hematoma.
Hematomas are typically caused by a small blood vessel that pops off a clot following your surgery which results in blood pooling under the skin. This complication can result in the need for a take back to surgery if it involves an arterial vessel or can be managed when involving a venous vessel. This is because the arterial system has a stronger pressure than the venous system which means that it is less likely to clot back up.
This complication can be avoided by proper preoperative and postoperative measures. Preoperatively, patients must be educated to avoid blood thinners that make the dissolution of clots more common. Blood thinners must be avoided for at least one month prior to surgery and for two weeks following surgery.
At our center, you will be provided a comprehensive list that has been created of several hundred medicines, supplements, and food groups that are associated with a propensity for blood thinning. In addition, an increase in blood pressure has been attributed to having clots be knocked off vessels.
Appropriate administration of hypertensive medications is critical to avoid this complication. Appropriate counseling of patients is critical to avoiding this cause for hematoma. A final way a facelift go wrong includes a severing or cutting of the facial nerves that can result in deficits of facial movement. Although aberrations in anatomy can result in inadvertent injury to facial nerves, the most likely risk factor involves surgeon error.
This is why it is imperative that patients consider choosing a plastic surgeon who specializes in face and neck lift surgery and is an expert in informing you of instances where facelift go wrong.
If you are someone who is interested in facelift cosmetic surgery in Newport Beach because you are looking for the highest quality of plastic surgery, facelift expert Arian Mirzania MD FACS offers free in-house and virtual consultations daily to discuss procedures and develop quotes. At Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute you can be well informed of instances where facelift go wrong and get high-end Cosmetic operations while avoiding the inflated price.
Please see this 67-year-old male from Santa Ana 4 months status post face and neck lift.