If you are interested in increasing your breast mound size, a breast lift with implant augmentation to increase breast mound size is the definitive solution. This surgery is very versatile in correcting this issue because both the breast lift alone as well as the implant augmentation increase your breast mound size.
Performing the breast lift simultaneously with a trained breast specialist allows for an incredible transformation for anyone looking to increase breast mound size.
First, when performing a breast lift using a modified vertical mastopexy design, a plastic surgeon is able to bring the breast mound up on top of itself to a new area of your torso. This can not only raise the breast tissue but also provide the ever desired middle cleavage as well.
A breast lift surgery will increase your breast mound size by itself by virtue of folding the breast tissue onto itself to raise the breast. However, for patients like the one shown here that do not have severe breast sagging will often not get them to their ideal size.
For breast lift, it is crucial to consult with an experienced breast lift with an implant specialist that can visualize what the new breast mound will look like after a lift and provide guidance in your breast implant size and shape decision. This patient did not want too much breast projection and decided on a smaller 270cc implant instead.
If you have desired larger breast size, but also present some excess skin sagging, a breast lift with implant augmentation to increase breast mound could be the perfect fit for you. Contact Our Surgical Team MD FACS at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute in Newport Beach, California for a free complimentary consultation today. We offer both in-person and virtual consultations every day.