Orange County, California is amongst the top 5 most populous counties in the country. Therefore, you can see why breast lift with implant augmentation orange county is such a highly searched topic. With such volume, however, can come the paralysis of choice so we want to help you in your search for your ideal plastic surgeon.
What are the major factors you should consider when looking for a breast lift with implant augmentation in Orange County?
The first thing you must research for any plastic surgeon is the quality of their work. Every successful and experienced surgeon will showcase a gallery of their most recent work to give potential patients the information they need when looking to decide on their surgeon.
With over 10,000 surgeries performed in Orange County, Mirzania MD has an extensive patient gallery all over the web. But quantity does not make up for quality in this regard so how do you distinguish the truly masterful breast lift with implants from the rest? There are several keys to the ideal breast lift result.
First, a breast lift with the implant will result in a scar no matter which plastic surgeon in Orange County you choose. A breast lift with implant specialist will optimize the scar recovery and make it look as natural as possible (see this patient here, the scar is barely visible if you don’t look for it), but the scar will still be there.
With that in mind, you must consider going to a breast lift with implant augmentation surgeon that only performs a lift when absolutely necessary. Look at the amount of skin redundancy in the before picture and ask if it was possible to achieve the same or similar results with just breast implants.
If you can avoid a scar, you should. However, as a part of the natural aging process, our skin begins to sag and if you present excess skin looseness, a breast lift with implant augmentation is needed.
The final key in breast lift with implant results is the final symmetry and harmony of the breasts. A trained breast specialist has an eye for the correct implant size and shape that will result in a perfect, symmetrical look after the surgery is complete.
If you have done extensive research into breast lift with implant augmentation Orange County and still have questions about this surgery, contact renowned specialist Our Surgical Team MD to schedule a complimentary consultation today.
Here is a 49 year old female 3 months following bilateral breast augmentation and lift with 304 cc smooth moderate profile silicone implants.