A popular request woman comes into the office which is to restore the perkiness and volume of their breasts. This type of breast enhancement often entails a breast lift with implant augmentation to correct breast sagging.
Sagging breasts may be a concern for women who have had children, for women who have had their implants for an extended amount of time, and for women who naturally have lower positioned breasts. This procedure can be used to address all of the above, will correct breast sagging, and can enhance naturally smaller breasts.
It is very important for any patient to be able to have an honest discussion with his/her surgeon about what their goals are for their breasts and to also be given the appropriate knowledge about what to expect for their realistic journey and results when having a breast lift with implant augmentation.
To correct breast sagging entails the cutting of redundant skin of the breast to be able to lift the breast, as well as the insertion of the desired size of the implant.
Implants range in style, size, and shape. At Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute in Laguna Beach, CA, Board-certified plastic surgeon Mirzania offers patients both silicone and saline implants as a choice, detailing the expectations of both.
This is a type of breast surgery that will lift the breasts to sit on the chest, reappropriate the position of the nipple, and increase the volume of the breasts by inputting an implant.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Mirzania provides his patients a collection of before and after photos of his many patients that have had a breast lift with implant augmentation.
His work is recognized not only nationally, but internationally, as he is known for being a sculptor in the plastic surgery world.
Here we present a 27-year-old female 3 months following a breast lift with implant augmentation with 270 cc moderate plus profile silicone implants.