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Revision rhinoplasty cost has traditionally been more expensive than primary rhinoplasty fees. This is because revising primary rhinoplasty maneuvers and then redoing them intuitively requires more operative time.
In addition, the skill required for revision rhinoplasties is more advanced and calls for a rhinoplasty expert and not just a regular surgeon. Furthermore, until recently, often the harvest of rib cartilage graft was routinely required resulting in additional operative times.
Variables that Affects Revision Rhinoplasty Cost
Thanks to organ donated tissue advancements, today, organ donated rib cartilage grafts are available for purchase. This advancement has resulted in a significant reduction in rhinoplasty surgery fees as well as a reduction in recovery periods. Revision rhinoplasty cost is most affected by the operative times required to correct the nasal contour concerns.
Infrequently, smaller nasal contour corrections are required that can be performed in the office setting thus saving you thousands of dollars. Alternatively, small areas of contour irregularities may also be corrected using long-lasting fillers, i.e. non-invasive rhinoplasty, which will save you even more money.
If you have undergone rhinoplasty surgery and are dissatisfied with your results, a complimentary consultation by a nasal surgery specialist will help you appreciate the maneuvers required and the cost of undergoing revision rhinoplasty.
Following communication of your nasal contour concerns and comprehensive examination of your nose, Our Surgical Team will be able to provide you an accurate fee schedule. This revision rhinoplasty cost will be all-inclusive and include your surgeon’s fees, anesthesia fees, facility fees, postoperative fees, and all of your follow up visits.
If your rhinoplasty revision can be done in the office setting, you will save yourself thousands of dollars by avoiding anesthesia fees and facility fees; in addition, you will quicken your recovery by avoiding inhaled anesthetic medications that can make you groggy.
Please see this 21-year-old male status secondary open rhinoplasty to correct saddle nose deformity.