Results of Mini Tummy Scars is correcting prior contouring scars. Whether it was a C-Section or a prior tummy tuck scar, Our Surgical Team can utilize a mini tummy to not only improve your stomach appearance but also correct your prior scar.
Mini Tummy Tuck to Correct a Tummy Tuck Scar
Regardless of your plastic surgeon, a mini tummy tuck, like any surgical skin excision will result in a visible scar. However, a mini tummy tuck with Our Surgical Team will give you the best chance to have a perfectly healed scar that is correctly placed.
Prior to your surgery, Our Surgical Team will identify your bikini line and ensure that the mini tummy tuck scar is hidden in that line.
Notice the 30-year-old female patient here. You can see a tummy tuck scar that is not only too high, causing it to be visible, and also poorly healed. By using a mini tummy tuck to eliminate this scar, she received a tighter abdomen and a narrower waistline.
If you had a prior abdominal scar from a past tummy tuck surgery, a mini tummy tuck by Newport Beach plastic surgeon, Mirzania, will correct this while also tightening your abdomen. Contact us for a complimentary virtual consultation today.
This 30 year old female 1 months following revision of full tummy tuck with a mini tummy tuck. Please note elimination of scar contracture and step off deformity and improved overall harmony.