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A mini mommy makeover is an adjustment to the traditional mommy makeover procedure that includes a mini tummy tuck instead of a full tuck. Our Surgical Team is an expert mommy makeover surgeon and has been featured on American Greed to discuss the procedure.
A mommy makeover with Our Surgical Team includes a circumferential life-changing transformation of a patient’s body contour. Following pregnancies, females may often retain gained weight or be left with excess skin redundancy and looseness.
The Mini Mommy Makeover Procedure
There are several ways to address these contour irregularities. Our Surgical Team will often choose to perform a mommy makeover when the patient qualifies.
As opposed to a full mommy makeover, a mini mommy makeover patient will present with only mild to moderate skin redundancy of the lower abdomen as well as any other areas that are of concern.
As an expert in VASER liposuction, Our Surgical Team suggests using the mini mommy makeover procedure because it will allow him to perform the mini tummy tuck as well as circumferential VASER liposuction.
As this procedure is for moms, it is critical to ensure the least amount of recovery time possible while also giving the patient their dream body.
A mini mommy makeover procedure will only have one recovery period whereas a full tummy tuck followed by VASER liposuction will need to be performed in a staged fashion. A
nother advantage for moms looking for a makeover is that the low incision line near the pubic region that is hidden in the bikini line will actually eliminate any scarring that occurred following a c section.
It’s never too late to look and feel your best, schedule a free consultation with Our Surgical Team today!
See this 48-year-old female 1 month following a mini mommy makeover with a bilateral breast lift and mini tummy tuck surgery. The patient has improved her overall silhouette following breast and body contouring.