Lateral Hip Dip

Before and After image of a Lateral Hip Dip surgery
Before and After image of a Lateral Hip Dip surgery
Before and After image of a Lateral Hip Dip surgery
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Please appreciate this 35-year-old female patient demonstrating correction of buttock hypotrophy with a BBL and lateral hip dip filling.

With the advent of the Brazilian buttock lift or BBL, attention to buttock aesthetics has never been more critical. With the advancement of buttock aesthetics, it has become evident that attention to the lateral hips is just as essential as that back of the bum. The lateral hip region is unique in that it requires correction from the rear and the front.

Lateral hip dips are an extension of the mid butt hollow that is a common concern of patients desiring buttock augmentation. If you are interested in having a high definition Brazilian buttock lift, you must make sure that your surgeon appreciates the mid-buttock extension to the front lip region. As such, correction of the lateral hip dip is critical to achieving the perfect buttock shape.

At Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute, we utilize portholes located in the infragluteal region to transfer to the buttock properly. Although upper buttock portholes are popular for the transfer of fat to the buttock, we feel that lower buttock portholes provide improved access to the lateral hip region in addition to being able to complete a fat transfer to the buttock proper. Also, we utilize lateral pubic port holes to add fat to the lateral hip dips.

Lateral hip dip filling requires variable fat volume transfer based on patient size and shape preferences. Patients may desire conservative lateral hip dip filling or demand more generous lateral hips. Preferences for both lateral hip size and shape vary per age, ethnicity, and personal desires.

For example, Puerto Ricans and African American patients tend to desire more prominent lateral hips, as depicted by Miami physicians’ Brazilian Buttock results. On review, it has become evident that this preference for more robust lateral hip contours may be related to having more generous thighs. This trend is likely due to the female aesthetic of having smooth transitions.

Smooth transitions are the aesthetic goal over both the buttock to the lower back junction and the buttock to the lateral thigh junction. As such, patients with more generous thighs may desire more aggressive lateral hip filling to create a smooth transition between the lateral hip and thigh region. We are currently completing a survey study to delineate patient preferences in both lateral hip fullness position and degree of fullness. 

Suppose you are interested in having a high definition Brazilian buttock lift with correction of lateral hip dips. In that case, we encourage you to consider Dr. Arian Mirzania, who is a premiere BBL and BBL revision, specialist. Patients from the entire world can now complete a complimentary virtual consultation with Our Surgical Team to determine the appropriate lateral hip contour filling to achieve their ideal body contour goals.

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Author: Paris Sabo MD
Fellowship Trained, Cosmetic Surgeon

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