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Eyelid surgery before and after pictures provide a very important guide to patients trying to choose the perfect surgeon. Patients who undergo eyelid surgery should demonstrate aesthetically pleasing eyelid contours with incision lines that are symmetric. The pictures should demonstrate an eyelid contour that is harmonious with the rest of the face.
For example, a larger and rounder face should demonstrate a more generous upper eyelid. In contrast, a smaller and narrower face can accommodate smaller upper eyelids. Achieving harmony is even more critical when you consider gender differences. For example, female eyelids can tolerate a more generous arc shape.
This is in contrast to males, where a flatter, less arched incision line, will avoid a feminine or surprised appearance. In addition, the incision line in the males should be lower on the upper eyelid which means closer to the lid margin.
The pictures will also demonstrate the aesthetic results that your surgeon can achieve. It is critical to evaluate these eyelid surgeries before and after pictures with a critical eye. Patients are encouraged to browse through our website to appreciate the improvements that are possible.
Don’t forget the functional improvements with respect to improved light perception and visual clarity that is achieved with upper eyelid surgery. These functional improvements are obviously not appreciated in the photographs presented although patients universally comment on improved visualization.
Patients should also appreciate the generalized aesthetic improvements noted when upper eyelid surgery is combined with synergistic surgeries. Synergistic surgeries may include brow lift, lower eyelid surgery, as well as face and neck lift. If you are considering upper eyelid surgery, we encourage you to browse through our website to appreciate what is possible.
Please critique our 63-year-old female patient who demonstrates the improved appearance of her upper eyelids following bilateral upper eye lift with face and neck lift. This is her eyelid surgery before and after picture