With breast lift with implant augmentation procedures, there is a breast lift with implant augmentation limitations. It is important for there to be an honest discussion and conversation between the patient and their surgeon about breast lift with implant augmentation limitations.
Although these limitations may not be a problem for each woman thought to have a breast lift with implant augmentation surgery, it is better to be well prepared with the expectations and limitations of the procedure.
It should be noted that with a breast lift with implant augmentation procedure, there is a slight trade-off. This trade-off is between the sagging breasts and scars. These scars remain under the nipple so they are not visible in swimwear or clothing, and are for the most part concealed.
Our Surgical Team considers this a very light trade-off as having beautiful, lifted, full, symmetrical breasts will take away from scars that eventually fade.
The main limitation of a breast lift with implant augmentation is what is called a vertical mastopexy. In doing a vertical mastopexy, we are limited as surgeons if the patient has much lower placed breasts. If this is the case, as seen as the patient here, you can only lift the nipple up 5 cm.
Her breast mounds are beautiful, but in theory, you can lift the breasts and the nipples higher if the breasts were not sagging as much. For this reason, the patient presented here lacks medial cleavage.
You can only get cleavage when the breast mounds are higher. Our patient here had breasts that were previously lower, and because cleavage is only created on the sternum, this is a breast lift with implant augmentation limitation.
Our 40-year-old patient presented here demonstrates a bilateral breast lift with implant augmentation. With a vertical mastopexy, our patient had limitations in how high the nipples could be moved up but overall demonstrates a beautiful and improved breast contour.