This patient demonstrates the amazing results of a breast augmentation revision of severe capsular contraction. When you receive a breast implant, your body naturally recognizes it as a foreign object and forms a layer of scar tissue around it.
This scar tissue creates your breast capsule and unfortunately contracts in some cases. This puts pressure on the implant which may change the positioning or even create chronic chest pain.
For patients that had breast augmentation several decades ago, the capsule may be even thicker and calcified. This falls under a Baker’s Grade 4. This results in the need for an unblock capsulectomy which removes the entire capsule during the breast augmentation revision surgery. This will allow proper placement of the new implant and result in an ideal, harmonious breast appearance.
There is another advantage of a breast augmentation revision of severe capsular contraction as well. Severe capsular contraction most often occurs in breast implant cases that were performed several decades ago and there have been major advances in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery since then. Most importantly, breast implant surgeries that were performed decades ago were most likely placed above the muscle.
If not remedied by a breast augmentation revision of severe capsular contraction, this causes various issues. First, it results in a more unnatural appearance. Secondly, mammography is slightly less accurate when the implant is above the muscle. Finally, it increases the chances of capsular contraction. In this revision surgery, her implants were removed and the new implants were placed below the muscle to give her the more natural appearance seen here.
The patient also had a 350cc silicone implant to get to her dream breast appearance. If you had breast implant surgery several decades ago and aren’t happy with their current appearance, contact Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute for a complimentary consultation today!
Here is a 61-year-old female who had a breast augmentation revision of severe capsular contraction. She needed a breast implant removal and capsulectomy to remove all scar tissue.