Do I Need Lymphatic Massage After VASER Liposuction?

48-year-old female patient who received 5 lymphatic massages after VASER 360 liposuction. Breast lift with augmentation and tummy tuck help balance her appearance
48-year-old female patient who received 5 lymphatic massages after extensive VASER 360 liposuction. Breast lift with augmentation help balance her appearance
48-year-old female patient who received 5 lymphatic massages after extensive VASER 360 liposuction. Tummy tuck helps achieve an amazingly narrowed waistline
48-year-old female patient who received 5 lymphatic massages after extensive VASER 360 liposuction. A natural BBL with fat transfer help balance her appearance

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Infrequently, I have patients that insist that they don’t need to have a lymphatic massage after VASER liposuction. Lymphatic massages are performed daily or every another day for approximately 8 to 10 days depending on whether the patients are local or from out of town or if the patients wish to expedite their recovery period. Obviously, the out of town patients desires to get back home and thus are provided a more aggressive daily massage.

When Do I Need Lymphatic Massage After VASER Liposuction

The reason for the lymphatic massage is that VASER liposuction utilizes ultrasound energy to melt the fat. The advantage of melting the fat prior to suctioning it are multi-fold and include: being able to remove 50 % more fat than other techniques, avoid contour irregularities (since the fat is liquified and cannot form any valleys and peaks or divots and bumps), achieve transformative results (since high definition liposuction allows for sculpting the body and attain ideal buttocks shape.

Ideal buttocks shape is achieved by performing Brazilian Buttock Lift (BBL) with a fat transfer that is harvested using VASER technology. VASER technology provides several advantages to patients seeking BBLs.

First, it allows for the harvesting of more fat that may be limited in patients with low body fat. Second, the fat that is harvested is over 90 % viable; this is in contrast to traditional fat harvesting techniques that provide only 60% viability.

So why is lymphatic massage so important following VASER liposuction. It is because 10% of melted fat that is not removed, will act like a liquid and accumulate in the most dependent position. For example, if you perform abdominal liposuction, the liquified fat will pool over the pubic region.

In contrast, if you perform back liposuction, the liquified fat will accumulate over the lower back and upper buttocks region. The lymphatic massage is intended to remove the pooling of liquid fat so that irregularities are not created. In addition, the lymphatic massage will help keep gulleys created clear of fat accumulation in order to avoid effacing high definition contours created for example over the abdomen.

You might be wondering when does the pooling of liquid fat end and when can you stop the lymphatic massages? Approximately 8 to 10 days following the melting of the fat, the fat goes from liquid to a solid form and pooling will end. This is why lymphatic massages are performed for a minimum of 8 to 10 days. A small number of patients do choose to continue lymphatic massages for up to 1 month.

Having additional massages also helps to desensitize the sensory nerves that are traumatized by surgery. Desensitization of nerves will make you feel less stiff and help you return to your normal daily and physical activity. 

Please see this 48-year-old female patient who received 5 lymphatic massages after 360 VASER liposuction.


Author: Paris Sabo MD
Fellowship Trained, Cosmetic Surgeon

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