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Potential patients ask this question often, “Will I Lose 40% of my Butt Volume Following BBL?”. If you search on the internet you will be inundated by patients who are displeased with their BBL results. The most common complaint is that they have lost the volume in their butt that they were in love with.
So Will I Lose 40% of my Butt Volume Following BBL?
A large number of patients will complain that they are not as full as they were in the beginning. A few patients have even made estimates of how much buttock volume they have retained with the most common estimate being 60% volume retention at 6 months.
Why is this so? When undergoing a BBL, fat must be harvested from the body first.
Unfortunately, when the fat is harvested it can be damaged. This is especially true when using traditional liposuction techniques that utilize hollow bore cannulas to literally strip out the fat. When this technique is used, the fat cells are literally nicked such that their shell becomes perforated.
These cells will naturally not make it. Although the surgeon will inject all of the fat cells into your buttocks, the cells that have been injured will naturally not survive and be absorbed by your body.
In summary, 40 % of volume loss is real and will be observed by most patients undergoing a BBL using traditional liposuction techniques. In contrast, when ultrasound-assisted liposuction (VASER) is utilized, the fat cells are gently teased into single cells away from the cluster of fat cells.
What this means is that your fat cells will go from a solid-state to a liquid form. Once the fat cells become liquid, then cannulas are used to gently siphon you’re the fat cells into sterile containers.
Unlike traditional liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, branded as VASER liposuction, results, in 90 plus percent of your cells being saved from injury.
Patients undergoing BBL surgery with VASER liposuction will benefit from a 90 plus percent cell viability. This means what you see is what you get. When patients ask me, “Will I lose 40% of my butt volume following BBL?”, my answer is “Absolutely not.”
In fact, you can sit on your buttock, you can sleep on your buttock, and you don’t need a butt pillow! As a result, patients can also undergo simultaneous tummy tucks since they can sleep on their back.
If you are interested in undergoing the ultimate BBL, we encourage you to make a consultation with Our Surgical Team to get the facts about BBL surgery.
Please see this 36-year-old female patient who underwent a BBL with high definition VASER liposuction technology.