Swollen Lower Eyelid

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Swollen lower eyelid is a common concern of patients who visit our cosmetic center. Patients universally dislike this appearance as they can make them look prematurely aged and aesthetically unappealing.

Swollen Lower Eyelid Appearance

In fact, depending on your genetics, a swollen lower eyelid may appear earlier than other signs of facial aging such as the development of prominent nasolabial folds, jowls, and a sagging and full neck contour. This appearance develops because of two factors.

The most common factor of swollen lower eyelid involves the development of skin redundancy. Skin redundancy occurs with aging and overgrowth of skin over many decades. When the eyelid demonstrates redundant skin, it will look wrinkled and weigh over the upper cheek creating a gulley.

In swollen lower eyelid, this undesirable gulley is characterized as the nasojugal groove centrally and a festoon laterally. The treatment for this concern involves cutting out the skin redundancy in order to tighten the skin. The second factor involves stretching out or thinning out of an eyelid lining called the orbital septum.

When the orbital septum loses its integrity, the orbital fat pads will protrude creating distinct bulges. Prominent orbital fat pads push out the orbital septum much like a balloon. The treatment for this concern is to cut out the protruding fat, almost like letting out the air from the balloon.

Both of these maneuvers will help improve the swollen lower eyelid appearance. If you have this difficulty, please consider lower eyelid surgery, termed lower blepharoplasty, which will improve the appearance of your prematurely aged lower eyelid contour.

Patients are universally pleased with the aesthetic improvement observed following the elimination of redundant lower eyelid skin and protruding fat pads.  If you are concerned about swollen lower eyelid appearance, please make a consultation at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute in order to document which factor is resulting in your appearance.

Please see a 57-year-old female following upper and lower eyelid surgery to fix a swollen eyelid.


Author: Paris Sabo MD
Fellowship Trained, Cosmetic Surgeon

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