How will my butt look like in clothes after BBL

Sample of how a butt look like in clothes after BBL
Sample of how a butt look like in clothes after BBL
Sample of how a butt look like in clothes after BBL
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Please appreciate this 31-year-old female who now enjoys how her butt look like in clothes after BBL.

If you are wondering how will my butt look like in clothes after BBL, then this blog was written for you. A BBL involves the transfer of fat from the abdomen, back, and flanks to the butt in order to exaggerate the female curves that are created by a generous buttock contour and a narrower waistline.

The differential created by a more prominent buttock and the snatched waist will be evident even through clothes. This differential is in the waist to buttock width can be graded by a ratio of waist to buttock width both from the lateral and back views. The waist to buttock ratio can range from the more subtle differential of 0.8 to a maximum differential of 0.5.

The more aggressive differential of 0.5 describes a buttock width that is 2 x the waist. Regardless of if you want a subtle or more exaggerated curve, it is critical that the transition from the buttock to the waist is smooth and not sharp. When this transition is made sharp, the contouring is considered botched and will be depicted by a shelf or step deformity. This deformity will be visible and will show your butt look like in clothes after BBL.

As a center specializing in BBL, we are routinely asked the question, “how will my butt look like in clothes after BBL?” Moreover, we also perform a high number of BBL revisions and the most common complaint made is that clients don’t like the contour of their buttock to waist contour in clothes. Patients will literally complain that there is a groove in their dresses along the lower back and buttock region.

Patients desiring a BBL revision will describe how they want a smooth contour line especially along the lower back and upper buttock. Another result of adding volume to the central buttock is that the pelvic rim gets tilted forward, thus exaggerating the female silhouette. This tilting of the pelvic rim is best appreciated when viewing the female body from the side.

If you are wondering how will my butt look like in clothes after BBL, you can appreciate the changes that your body will undergo by wearing flat-soled versus high heeled shoes. This is because high heeled shoes will similarly tilt your pelvis giving your torso more exaggerated curves and appeal.

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Author: Paris Sabo MD
Fellowship Trained, Cosmetic Surgeon

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