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Bariatric surgeries, such as the Gastric Sleeve, have become an incredibly popular and effective method for weight loss in the United States. Over 200,000 weight loss surgeries were performed in 2018 and that number will easily be passed in 2019. Many patients want to know how to tighten skin after weight loss.
Unfortunately, this only steps 1 for people who are chasing their dream bodies. The next step is to address all that loose skin!
How do I tighten loose skin after weight loss?
Full-body invasive plastic surgery is a method to tighten skin. After weight loss surgery, plastic surgery is your definitive answer to anybody’s contouring concerns.
Mirzania M.D., FACS is an expert plastic surgeon and owner of the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute knew how to tighten skin after weight loss. His total body lifts post-bariatric procedure is the #1 solution for anyone who has excess skin that looks droopy and baggy following any period of major weight loss.
After a weight loss surgery like a gastric sleeve, areas of concern for ugly, loose skin include the arms (bat wings), upper and middle back (bra rolls), sagging breasts, lower back and flanks (love handles, abdomen (stomach rolls) and the butt and thighs.
It can be disheartening to have a look of saggy and loose skin after you have gone through all the hard work to lose weight. However, Our Surgical Team has mastered the total body lift procedure that will tighten skin after weight loss in all of the areas we just mentioned in 1 surgery!
This surgery combines an arm lift, upper body lift, tummy tuck, breast lift, lower body and thigh lifts. After a total body lift, you will look slim, tight and narrow to match the incredible weight loss.
Here is a 61-year-old female with loose skin and has now tighten skin after weight loss, after Our Surgical Team performed post-bariatric surgery.