A mini tummy tuck, also known as a mini abdominoplasty, is a body contouring procedure, removing the minimal and stubborn fat and excess skin from the abdomen. The mini tummy tuck cost depends on a few factors. A mini tummy tuck cost may also be affected by a patient size and frame.
The bigger the patient, the longer the case will be, and typically, the longer time in the operating theater will result in a higher mini tummy tuck cost. Another factor determining cost is if there are additional procedures with a mini tummy tuck.
Many patients also request to have high definition liposuction performed on the flanks or love handles, or request ab etching for a more defined and toned abdomen.
Ab etching can be performed with a mini tummy tuck as there is limited undermining. Just to compare, a tummy tuck with muscle plication, or muscle tightening, cannot be done at the same time as ab etching.
A mini tummy tuck will tighten a body that has minimal skin redundancy and fat, so it is not out of the ordinary for many of the patients to take advantage of the time being under and tone and contour every part of their body they request to have done.
As many patients opt to have 360 lipo and body contouring, cost varies between each mini tummy tuck procedure. Cost is determined by facility fee, surgeons fee, and anesthesia fee. These fees typically have an hourly rate.
Determined by time and the additional procedures that a patient may also wish to have performed in addition to having a mini tummy tuck. This range of mini tummy tuck cost may begin at or around $10,000 and may range to near $30,000 if more areas and cutting are involved.
Newport Beach board-certified plastic surgeon Mirzania is a renowned body contouring and mini tummy tuck specialist and offers patients both virtual and in house consultations to discuss your mini tummy tuck questions and surgical plan.
Please see this 44-year-old female 1 month following mini tummy tuck, breast augmentation with 350cc silicone implants, and liposuction of the lateral and medial thighs.