A mastopexy, or breast lift as it is commonly referred to, is a plastic surgery procedure that may be either cosmetic or insurance-based. This procedure was created to correct the natural sagging of the breast skin and mound that occurs due to aging. As we age, our skin gradually loses its elastic ability to snap back into place after being stretched.
As such, due to the effects of gravity and breast size, the breast mound and skin will begin to droop as you age. Patients with this contour irregularity look to plastic surgery, but it can’t be corrected through liposuction or implant augmentations. Thus, the breast lift surgery was designed to excise this sagging skin and return you to your youthful breast appearance.
In general, a breast lift works by removing all the excess sagging skin. In reality, there are several ways to perform a breast lift and although they may work the same way, their results may be drastically different. One of the more famous breast lift techniques is what is known as the donut lift. The reason for this popularity is due to the minimal scarring that a donut lift results in.
When people think of breast lifts, they often imagine the anchor, vertical incision line scar that comes with it. However, the donut lift avoids this scar with a periareolar incision instead. Unfortunately, this lift has shown to have suboptimal lifting abilities, meaning the amount of breast sagging that it can correct is severely limited.
At Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute, Our Surgical Team utilizes the gold standard in breast lift techniques which is known as the vertical mastopexy design. He has modified this technique to allow for amazing breast size and shape consistency while also limiting the scarring that is visible.
If you are interested in how a breast lift works and have some questions, contact Newport Beach plastic surgeon, Our Surgical Team for a complimentary consultation today. 32-year-old female 1 month following a lateral breast lift.
See this 32-year-old patient who is only 1-month post-op. Her scar is only 40-60% healed, yet is already almost invisible.