Download Our Surgical Team’s free Liposuction eBook
High definition abs surgery refers to the capacity of VASER liposuction to achieve abdominal etching results. VASER liposuction allows for the melting of the fat prior to suctioning of the fat; it is this unique quality of VASER liposuction that allows a master surgeon and sculptor to literally sculpt your abs.
The Abs Surgery Procedure
High definition abs surgery will literally allow patients to achieve a six-pack in males and four-pack in females; these terms refer to the configuration of the abdominal rectus muscles that differ between males and females. Whereas men have two columns of three individual rectus muscle bellies, women tend to have two columns of two individual rectus muscle bellies.
This is a real art to high definition abs surgery and it requires intimate knowledge of rectus muscle anatomy. When studying rectus muscle anatomy, it becomes quickly evident that rectus muscles are not symmetric between the two columns located along each side of the central abdomen.
In fact, each of the rows of the rectus muscles is also not symmetric. If you study the images of bodybuilders on google, it becomes apparent how variable the muscle shapes are and how asymmetric the muscles can be on one individual. It is this appreciation of the abdominal muscles that make high definition abs surgery so challenging.
Our Surgical Team is an artist whose hobby is sculpting the human form. His spacial surgical knowledge and experience of how to sculpt and contour his patients are complemented by his artistic abilities.
Please see this 36 year male from Los Angeles who demonstrates the complete transformation of his abdominal appearance following high definition abs surgery.