Free BBL with HD Lipo 360 | OR 25% off 360 Lipo
Dr. Paris, aka Dr. Laguna, invites you to join the waiting list for his offers*.
The first step is to book a virtual or in-person consultation with one of the talented doctors on Team Mirzania. But before you do, learn more about Dr. Paris, our lead surgeon:
Meet Dr. Paris
- 18 years of experience. Over 15,000 surgeries
- Produces stunning results (see for yourself)
- Does 200 Brazilian butt lifts a year
- Pioneered "Safe BBL's"
- Is an international renown plastic surgeon and body sculptor
- Trains other cosmetic and plastic surgeons:
- To do BBL's with fat transfer
- Is one of a handful of VASER HD Lipo trainers in the world
- Does his magic with Renuvion J Plasma skin tightening
- Trains other surgeons on how to utilize Renuvion to produce amazing results
- Author of High Definition Liposuction ebook
- Speaks nationally on the topic HD Lipo and his proprietary techniques
He developed the "Gold Standard" for SCUBA Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery:
- Pioneer safe BBL with the concept SCUBA
- (Safe California Ultrasound-Assisted Buttock Augmentation)
- Proprietary ultrasound visualizing fat grafting cannula
- Optimized fat viability
- Gentle harvesting of fat using VASER technology
- Ideal buttock shape and size sculpting
- Utilizing his Buttock Assessment Tool for each patient
- Possesses an artistic eye when contouring - a liposcuptor
Mastered VASER HD Lipo 360:
- Utilizes circumferential liposculpture for a beautiful, balanced body (360 Lipo) - never area-by-area or one-size-fits-all
- Created the High Definition Body Scale and surgical algorithm
- World-class results VASER ultrasound-assisted liposuction
- Offers scarless skin tightening™ using Renuvion technology
- Produces stunning body transformations!
*The offer of a free Brazilian butt lift (BBL) requires that patients have HD Lipo 360. This 360 procedure is circumferential liposuction of multiple areas that create the curves and lines you are expecting. They include:
- Upper abdomen
- Waistline and lower abdomen
- Flanks
- Hips and hip dips
- Thighs (inner and outer)
- Back/bra line
The doctor will assess if you need additional liposuction to achieve extra waistline narrowing to make your BBL a work of art.
Once he has removed the fat from areas you don't want it, he can place it in areas you do want. To do this, he uses a process called fat transfer.
Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, is the fat removed in the high-definition liposuction procedure and transferred to the butt (BBL), breasts, face, hands, pecs (in men), or other areas. Dr. Paris has an extensive process for ensuring the most natural-looking butt enhancement. He will show you all the options of how much shape and projection is possible, give you his recommendation, and you will decide what you want the end (no pun intended) result to be.
We encourage you to take a look at our website, his BBL results and then book your free virtual consultation with Team Dr. Paris.
* You must be 18+ to take advantage of this offer.
**Some patients will qualify for an in-person consult.
***Not all applicants will be eligible for a consult.