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Please see this 27-year-old after combining tummy tuck with Lipo 360.
Combining tummy tuck with Lipo 360 is indicated when the skin redundancy of the abdomen is severe and when muscle looseness is present. Extensive skin redundancy precludes you from undergoing effective liposuction.
First, the actual maneuver of liposuction with the back and forth motion of the cannula is difficult as the skin moves with each thrust making the piercing of the fat ineffective. Furthermore, the removal of fat from areas of extensive skin redundancy even if non-uniform due to the reason mentioned above, will only result in contour irregularities.
The analogy we use is of fruit such as a kiwi. If you remove the inside pulp, you will be left with wrinkly skin that is unattractive. Moreover, if you have muscle weakness that is making your belly bulge out like a balloon, removing the fat from under the skin, will not make an appreciable difference in your contour.
Patients have demonstrated the dramatic difference that a tummy tuck with muscle repair will have for them by making them push out their belly and then suck it in. This difference in contour when substantial is the difference that patients can expect with a tummy tuck that includes tightening of the loosened muscles.
The next consideration is that when tummy tucks are performed, the entire front contour is pulled in. The tightening of the tissues in the front has the natural effect of pushing out the sides in the flank region. This can be quite pronounced resulting in the appearance of what is called “dog ears” in the area of the love handles.
When “dog ears” is present attempts are made to liposuction the sides from the front side in order to provide patients a smoother appearance. However, the most effective method for liposuctioning the flanks is from the back. The difficulty arises from the fact that once a tummy tuck is performed, patients cannot be placed on their stomach because of the tightening of the front tissues.
As such, it makes secondary liposuction of the flanks suboptimal. Instead, combining a tummy tuck with a Lipo 360 is very effective in contouring the entire torso and providing patients a high definition body contouring result.
Combining tummy tuck with a Lipo 360 is the ultimate body contouring surgical plan for patients requiring maximum excision of abdominal skin and muscle repair. This provides universal body contouring of the torso and stunning contour lines when viewed from all angles.
Patients are actually first placed on their stomach and back contouring is performed. This includes tailoring both the flanks discussed above but the upper, middle, lower back, and thighs when necessary. Removed fat can also be recycled back into the buttock to allow for optimal buttock contouring. Then the patients are placed on their back so that a tummy tuck can be performed. If you are interested in combining a tummy tuck with a Lipo 360, contact our office for a complimentary consultation.