25-year-old female is 2 months following bilateral breast augmentation to improve the contour of her breast mound – front view

25-year-old female is 2 months following bilateral breast augmentation to improve the contour of her breast mound – left lateral view

25-year-old female is 2 months following bilateral breast augmentation to improve the contour of her breast mound – right lateral view

25-year-old female is 2 months following bilateral breast augmentation to improve the contour of her breast mound – left view

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Breast augmentation Orange County is dedicated to providing Orange County clients the ultimate in breast augmentation results. If you live in or near Orange County, we encourage you to complete a breast augmentation Orange County consultation.
Undergoing breast augmentation requires very personal decisions regarding your breasts. Our Surgical Team will help you make intimate decisions regarding your breast size, breast mound shape, and positioning.
Breast Augmentation Orange County by Dr Mirzania
Our Surgical Team always reminds that he is only a technician and responsible for creating aesthetically beautiful and well-proportioned breasts. In contrast, our breast augmentation Orange County clients are responsible for choosing their breast size.
Our Surgical Team routinely tells his patients, “These are your breasts so you have to choose your desired size.” As such Our Surgical Team will guide you during your breast sizing by showing you what is considered proportionate and harmonious with your body.
For example, when evaluating you from the front, your shoulder width (this is the distance between your shoulders) can dictate how large your breasts can be.
Another way to think about this is the larger bony stalked you are the larger your breasts can be to achieve harmony with your body size.
In addition, when viewed from the side, the larger your bum (your buttocks), the larger your breasts can be to balance your body.
Ultimately though, the decision of your breast implant and subsequently your breast mound size is a personal decision. This is most evident in the breadth of breast augmentation Orange County clients that range from the conservative mom who wants a more conservative look following deflation of her breasts following breastfeeding to the local exotic dancer who wants to safely maximize her breast volume size.
Breast augmentation Orange County requires aesthetically optimized breast mound size, shape, and positioning. In addition to choosing the optimal breast mound size, breast mound shape and position need to be optimized.
Our Surgical Team will teach you a proper breast mound position. The breast mound should begin approximately one handbreadth below the collar bone.
When proper breast mound positioning is achieved, breast augmentation Orange County clients will appreciate appropriate medial cleavage and upper pole fullness.
Finally, the breast mound shape must be discussed. Once again, the determination of optimum breast shape requires subjective considerations.
Older patients tend to desire a more natural teardrop shape whereas younger patients desire more generous upper pole fullness.
Clients working in administrative jobs tend to desire more conservative shapes whereas entertainers desire more voluptuous shapes. Regardless of your personal breast improvements changes, your breast augmentation consultation will provide you the opportunity to convey to Our Surgical Team the exact breast mound size, shape, and positioning desired.
Please see this 25-year-old female is 2 months following bilateral breast augmentation to improve the contour of her breast mound.