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Arm lift surgery near me is possible if you live in or near Orange County. If you are interested in having this surgery near me, I welcome you to consider completing a complimentary consultation at our Newport Beach office.
Following your consultation, you will know whether you are a good candidate for the minimally invasive option using liposuction with Renuvion skin tightening or whether you will require the traditional excisional surgery, termed Brachioplasty.
The benefit of the minimally invasive approach is that you will avoid a long surgical incision line. The disadvantage of minimally invasive surgery is that it can only correct minimal to moderate skin redundancy.
In contrast, the traditional excisional surgery requires a surgical incision line that will take one year to heal to near transparency.
The Arm Lift Surgery Near Me Preference
However, the Brachioplasty allows for the correction of moderate to severe skin redundancy. Patients desiring the surgery near me will be provided a comprehensive surgical plan that addresses all of your needs.
In addition, patients are provided with preoperative and postoperative instructions. If you follow these preoperative and postoperative instructions explicitly it will ensure that your arm lift surgery journey is seamless.
Patients undergoing the surgery near me will benefit from a state of art surgical facility that is near your residence. Finally, postoperative visits will be convenient for patients undergoing arm lift surgery near me.
Occasionally, patients who undergo VASER liposuction and Renuvion skin tightening may need additional lymphatic messages to ensure drainage of any residual liquid fat.
By living near me, this additional care can be accommodated. Additionally, patients undergoing an excisional Brachioplasty may need long term care for the healing of their surgical incision lines.
By having your arm lift near me, you can be seen regularly to ensure an optimal healing incision line.
Please enjoy this 61-year-old female who underwent an arm lift procedure.