Look better after a breast reconstruction. Undergoing breast cancer surgery can be a tolling experience on both a physical and mental standpoint. The physical aspect of breast cancer surgery is evident, as you can physically notice the removal of the breast pulp, and thus the flattening of the chest. This may be to one or both breasts for patients, depending on the case.
The mental toll also exists, although it may not always be as obvious. There is a mental toll in knowing you have or have had breast cancer, in knowing the possibility of breast cancer recurring is present, and in knowing the experience, and all it came with. Both the physical and the mental aspects can leave you like a different feeling person than you were before your diagnosis and surgery.
Acknowledging this, the good news is that your mental and physical toll can be abated, and you can ultimately restore your mental state of mind and even improve your breast physicality. So the question is, will my breasts look better after a breast reconstruction?
With the right board-certified plastic surgeon, your breasts can look better than they look before undergoing the journey of having breast cancer. Revitalizing the youthful and full breasts you may have once had, is one way to save grace after going through the tolling period of breast cancer surgery.
In this, we see and hear many patients’ testimonials of how their breast reconstruction brought back their confidence and feeling of beauty.
Your breasts will look better after breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction will improve breast asymmetry, breast ptosis, and present deflation. Breast reconstruction will restore the fullness in the breasts, correct the breast contour, and even the breasts to where there are not any irregularities.
Breast reconstruction can also include procedures of a bilateral breast lift and fat grafting for more volume. So yes, your breasts will look better after breast reconstruction.
Her before also demonstrates a narrowness to her breasts, no fullness, and deflation. She underwent a bilateral breast reconstruction revision with bilateral lateral breast lifts, bilateral breast fat grafting, and bilateral nipple-areolar reconstruction. As seen, her breast construction provided her an opportunity to improve breast asymmetry, breast ptosis, and deflation.
Our 57-year-old patient posted here was a breast cancer patient who desired a breast reconstruction to improve her breast contour and asymmetry. As seen in her before, her breasts were sagging, and she after shows a natural and youthful lift to her breasts.