Liposuction involves the surgical removal of fat to improve body contour and aesthetic appearance. “What is liposuction?” can be answered only by discussing the multiple stages of fat removal surgery. The first stage involves the meticulous marking of all of your concern areas.
What is Liposuction procedure?
Not only is it critical to mark all concern areas but also to utilize a marking system that differentiates the degree of fat excess and extent of planned fat removal. Next, the patient is taken to the operating room, provided sedation, and prepped and draped for surgery.
The second stage involves the injection of a tumescent solution. Tumescent solution is the liquid that constricts the vessels in the fatty layers to minimize bleeding as well as providing numbness for patient comfort. Injection of the tumescent solution is an art form as volumes of the tumescent solution must be gauged based on the degree of planned fat removal.
The third stage of fat removal is the most variable and involves variable processing of fat prior to removal. This is the most profound stage as the processing of fat can be as minimal as having no processing and as complicated as involving laser or ultrasound energy delivered in an attempt to melt the fat first. In fact, today, there are several liposuction techniques involving fat manipulation or processing prior to removal.
The final stage involves fat removal. Fat removal was traditionally performed with hollow rods, called cannulas, with holes at the tip that were used to pierce through the fat. More recently, the cannulas have become more aggressive by redesigning the number and configuration of tip holes.
In addition, the cannulas have been redesigned to provide an added advantage. For example, Venti handles allow for air to flow through the cannula to allow for smoother and more uniform removal of fat.
Another handle modification provides oscillation of the handle that provides more efficient fat removal. Finally, when discussing “what is liposuction”, you must discuss the nuances of fat removal. When discussing the fat that can be removed with liposuction you must acknowledge the two layers of fat. The two layers include the superficial layer (closer to the skin), and the deep layer (closer to the muscle).
Traditional liposuction techniques have only been able to target the deep layer. VASER liposuction which uses ultrasonic energy to break up and melt both the superficial and deep layers of the fat allows for the removal of both layers. Great care and planning are required when performing liposuction to ensure the final result is even and aesthetically pleasing.
A wavy or asymmetric look can result from non-uniform removal of deep fat. Divots can appear if traditional liposuction techniques attempt to remove fat from the superficial layer. Crinkles or wrinkles can appear if redundant skin is not addressed during liposuction.
Please admire this 46 years old female following an advanced high definition liposuction procedure.