The best breast band for breast augmentation surgery is provided by our own proprietary breast band called the Mermaid band. This band is placed immediately following your breast augmentation and serves to keep your breast implants down low in their desired pocket position. This may not be intuitive but breast implants that are placed under the pectoralis muscle tend to want to rise up.
This is because there is a larger pocket up high under the muscle rather than down low in the desired position. In fact, this is why the pectoral muscle is released from 3 to 9 O’Clock over its lower quadrant.
In order to ensure that the implants remain low in the desired position, several measures must be taken. The first to make sure that we avoid unnecessary dissection above the ultimate desired implant position. The second is to make sure that patients do not sleep on their belly in the early postoperative period.
This is because resting on your belly will result in compression and malpositioning of the implants superiorly. The final precaution that is critical to avoiding superior implant migration of implants is the use of a breast band in the early postoperative period.
The breast band is positioned immediately following breast augmentation over the superior aspect of the newly created breast mound. This garment is literally like a rectangular band and is located just above your breast mound and implant and below the armpit.
The breast band acts as a tourniquet over the upper chest and prevents the breast implants from migrating up. The breast band is kept in place for approximately 2 weeks which is the time required for the creation of a capsule. Once the capsule forms, then the implant becomes fixed in its position.
The only downfall of breast bands on the market is that they can be uncomfortable. Patients routinely complain that the breast bands get wedged in their armpits resulting in underarm chafing. The chafing can become symptomatic as observed in patients placing handkerchiefs to cushion the band from the armpit skin. More concerning is the breast band chafing becoming so severe that patients become non-compliant with wearing them and risk malpositioning.
The best breast band for breast augmentation must avoid armpit chafing. This is why we create the best breast band for breast augmentation, called the Mermaid band. The mermaid band is unique in that it has cut-outs in the armpit region that avoid compression of the armpits when positioned above the breast implants. The cut-outs literally are positioned so that they avoid any pressure or irritation of the armpits. In addition, the materials used are breathable thus avoiding any irritation or rashes.
Finally, the best breast band for breast augmentation is aesthetically pleasing in appearance with cute woven hearts that patients enjoy showing off. The mermaid band does come in two colors, pink and black to harmonize with your desired attire.
Please see this 54-year-old female who demonstrates ideal breast implant positioning because she wore her mermaid band throughout the early postoperative period.