Download Our Surgical Team’s free Liposuction eBook
If you are desiring a Southern California liposuction you are lucky to have access to excellent plastic surgery providers. The high demand for Southern California liposuction is driven by the large demand of patients to look good.
In fact, liposuction offers our local patients the opportunity to fine-tune their body contour. Southern California patients are indeed very active and take advantage of outdoor activities since we are blessed with amazing weather year-round.
As such, looking their best in bikinis and sports outfits is a priority. What makes the decision to undergo liposuction specially Southern California liposuction complicated is the difficulty of choice amongst all of the options regarding techniques and providers.
To begin with, advances in liposuction technology have led to various recently developed techniques. These include ultrasound-assisted liposuction (VASER), Laser liposuction (Smart liposuction), Tickle liposuction, Water Jet liposuction, and Percussion Assisted liposuction (PALS). These advances have been created to improve results over traditional liposuction.
All liposuction procedures like Southern California liposuction require the infiltration of a solution called tumescent solution that constricts the small vessels in the skin. Once the vessels in the skin have been constricted, then the fat is removed or aspirated out of the body. Traditional liposuction utilizes a hollow bore rod, called a cannula, that is used to pierce through the fat.
The newer techniques have been developed to increase the capacity for fat removal or to make the fat removal easier on your surgeon. For example, VASER liposuction utilizes ultrasound energy to cavitate or loosen the fat prior to removal.
Laser liposuction uses a laser beam to melt the fat prior to removal. PALS uses a high-speed oscillating cannula to help make fat removal easier. Regardless of the technique used, the most important factor in your successful outcome is your provider.
Southern California Liposuction Provider
Living in Southern California liposuction providers are plenty. If you search Southern California liposuction, you will get well over three hundred providers that offer this service. So the question becomes who and which technique to choose.
As a Southern California liposuction provider, I have had the privilege to assess all of these techniques. Unequivocally, the VASER liposuction is definitely the GOLD STANDARD when it comes to liposuction techniques. There are several reasons why VASER is superior to the other techniques and these include ease of liposuction, superior capacity for fat removal, preserving fat viability, and ability to create stunning high definition body contouring results.
The next task is to choose an expert VASER surgeon. As a VASER trainer, I have had the privilege of training surgeons from across the country and have come to appreciate that the provider or surgeon is just as important if not more important than the tool. If you are searching for a Southern California liposuction provider, make sure that you look for lots of before and after photographs.
Make sure that you interview your surgeon and feel confident that you have communicated your goals. The final advice regarding getting a Southern California liposuction is to choose a provider who will administer you proper general anesthesia. You should avoid any provider who claims to be able to perform liposuction with local anesthetic only.
The problem with this approach is that pain nerves are found in a high density overlying the muscle. As you remove the fat you and approach the fat located intimately over the muscle, the patients become tender.
Inevitably, patients will stop you from liposuctioning prematurely due to the pain. As such, for definitive liposuction, such as high definition body contouring, patients are required general anesthesia in order to allow for comprehensive and uniform removal of fat.
In summary, Southern California liposuction allows for superior body contouring results. If you are interested in a Southern California liposuction please review before and after body contouring photographs with a critical eye to appreciate what is possible.
This 23-year-old female who underwent HD VASER 360 liposuction.