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“Round vs oval buttock implants?” is a common question that I am asked during buttock implant augmentation consultations. To answer this question, we must take into consideration where the implant is being placed.
Do You Prefer Round vs Oval Buttock Implants?
First, the position of the implant is over the central buttocks making the implant pocket vulnerable to frequent compression and shear forces. After all the buttocks are what we sit on every day of our life.
In addition, the implant is positioned inside the gluteus major muscle where it will be exposed to continual movement secondary to muscle fibers contracting around it.
It is not shocking to consider that every active individual will likely place asymmetric forces on the implant causing it to rotate.
Over the last 12 years performing buttock implant augmentation revisions, I have witness fat too many oval implants that have rotated and created a visual deformity and asymmetry between the two buttocks cheeks.
As such, I universally recommend my buttock implant patients to consider round vs oval buttock implants. The round implant is superior as it can rotate all it wants and will always be the same shape.
Choosing which implants will completely eliminate any rotational deformity complications. Although recent attempts have been made to use tabs to keep oval implants from rotating, these attempts have failed since the tabs tend to rip out of their fixation points.
The advantage of the round vs oval buttock implants is also that it matches the shape of the gluteus major muscle more favorably.
Remember that the implant is placed inside a square-shaped gluteus major muscle that will accommodate a round shape better than an oval shape. A single edge of the buttocks implant rips through the muscle, the implant edge will be visible and create a contour deformity.
This 42-year-old female demonstrates successful buttocks augmentation using round vs oval buttock implants.