How Does VASER Melt the Fat?

How does VASER melt the fat? One of the secrets behind high definition liposuction is the ability to melt or liquefy the fat prior to the removal or liposuction of the fat. This is significant because traditional liposuction can only remove the deep fat as only this layer permits the free movement of the liposuction cannulas.

The liposuction cannulas are hollow bore rods with small cutting holes at the tip. It is these holes that actually pierce through the fat and subsequently suck the fat out. Unfortunately, the rod itself is too large to be able to freely move throughout the superficial layer of the fat which is ridden with a weblike construct of collagen pillars call the fibroseptal network. If the cannula is stuck in the superficial layer, it will get wedged as it crosses a few pillars. As such, traditional liposuction of the superficial layer is not possible. 

In contrast, VASER liposuction allows both the superficial and deep layers of fat to be melted. Once the fat is melted, both layers of fat that have been melted can be siphoned out. Interestingly, the same traditional cannulas are used to siphon the fat and still only placed in the deep layer. However, since the fat is liquified, it can be siphoned from both the deep as well as superficial layers. Differential control of the removed superficial fat is what allows for the sculpting of fat.

Many clients ask us how does VASER melt of liquifying the fat? This process occurs through the cavitation of fat. What you want to think of is that fat cells live in clusters almost like grapes on a vine. In this state, they are semisolid inconsistency. The VASER solid probes emit ultrasound energy that literally tickles the cluster of grapes into single-cell grapes making them liquified.

Cavitation occurs when the ultrasound energy creates little bubbles in the tissues that then wedge themselves in the clusters and gently pop off the fat cells. This process then allows the fat cells to be siphoned or vacuumed out with significantly more gentle action than traditional liposuction. This means more viable or uninjured fat cells as well as less trauma to the nerves and vessels in the tissues where the fat cells live.

How does VASER melt the fat is a critical question as to why high definition liposuction achieves superior results. If you are interested in achieving high definition liposuction results, we urge you to make a consultation with Our Surgical Team.

Please see this 35-year-old patient demonstrated resolution of abdominal skin redundancy and adiposity once she was explained how does VASER melt the fat.

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Author: Paris Sabo MD
Fellowship Trained, Cosmetic Surgeon

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