Breast Pull on the Neck

If you feel like your breast pull on the neck, you should consider a breast reduction surgery. Breast pull on the neck is caused by not only the weight of the breasts but as well as the sagging of the breasts. In fact, it is the combination of these two elements that create the torque that is felt by your neck muscles.

Torque is defined by the weight of the breasts multiplied by the “moment arm” created by the sagging of the breasts. Patients who have observed breast pull on the neck, often observe their entire upper body leaning over when they walk. This leaning of the entire upper body is caused by the body compensating against the heaviness of the breasts and alleviating the strain on the neck.

Imagine if you draped a large chain with hanging weights around your neck. Your body posture would take on a similar posture. If you feel that you have taken on a similar posture, you can be lest assured that your breast pull on the neck is the culprit.

Breast pull on the neck can be definitively corrected with a breast reduction. If you are considering a breast reduction, you have to aware that a substantial amount of weight must be removed from your breast. In addition, breast sag must be eliminated. Remember that the torque is equally created by the weight of the breast and the moment arm resulting from the sag. Interestingly, your medical insurance puts more importance on the weight of the breasts rather than the sag of the breasts.

Today, if you are wanting to have your medical insurance pay for your surgery, you must meet a few criteria. The first criterion involves demonstrating strain on your neck with complaints of neck strain and shoulder grooving created by overdeveloped trapezius muscles. In addition, you must demonstrate that you have not been able to improve your neck strain by wearing supportive bras and anti-inflammatory medications.

In general, you have to be willing to lose a third of your breast weight to get your medical insurance to cover the costs of your surgery. Specific parameters are used to determine whether you will qualify for medical coverage to help with breast pull on the neck. This includes calculating your body surface area that is determined by your height and weight.

The body surface area is then used to check the minimum weight removal required that is determined by cross-referencing a breast removal chart create by Dr. Schnur. This chart is routinely referred to as the Schnur scale! If you have observed breast pull on the neck and observed yourself leaning over when you are walking, I recommend that you consider a breast reduction consultation through your insurance.

A 61-year-old female patient underwent bilateral breast reduction surgery to eliminate breast pull on the neck.

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Author: Paris Sabo MD
Fellowship Trained, Cosmetic Surgeon

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