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After Our Surgical Team performs your breast lift surgery, the recovery becomes absolutely vital to your final results. At the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute, there is a very clear and strict postoperative protocol for breast lift surgery recovery. During the breast lift recovery, it is important to follow the surgeons post-surgical care instructions.
The Breast Lift Recovery
For faster breast lift recovery, dressings will be placed around the surgical incisions. Over the dressings, an elastic bandage or support bra is wrapped around the torso and the breasts to aid in healing and offer support. Some dressing may need to stay in place for a few weeks until the incisions are healed. Sometimes, placement of a small drain is required near the incision site to collect any excess fluid or blood.
Drains would be removed about a week or two after surgery. Most patients are allowed to return to desk work after 1 week. The entire breast lift surgery recovery will take 4 to 6 weeks and Our Surgical Team recommends his patients get us and enjoy their new body 6 weeks after the procedure.
The most common concern for breast lift recovery is the appearance and scarring of the incision. Patients must understand that there will be a visible incision whenever skin is removed in a procedure.
Our Surgical Team uses the absolute highest quality of sutures and a refined recovery protocol from his decades of experience to ensure his patients are happy and comfortable with their new breasts.
Finally, the staff at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute are available every step of the way and will work tirelessly to make your breast lift recovery as pain-free as possible. If you are interested in a complimentary consultation with Dr. Mirzania, contact us for a breast lift near me today!
This is a 39-year-old female patient before and after her bilateral breast lift. She decided she also wanted more volume and had a simultaneous breast implant procedure with moderate profile 270 cc silicone implants.