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Enjoy this female’s buttock appearance following BBL revision using lateral thigh and buttock lift
Indications for BBL revision with lateral thigh
BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck is indicated when there are several concerns. The first reason to consider BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck is buttock cheek sagging. This is best appreciated by a buttock mound that is drooping with the appearance of a diaper butt. Often the buttock cheek is observed leaning over the upper posterior thighs.
The second reason to consider a BBL is if the original buttock fat transfer was overdone. If patients are desiring a reduction in their buttock volume, then they must consider liposuction reduction of their buttock mound. The only side effect of doing this is the creation of redundant buttock skin that can result in buttock cheek sagging.
In these cases, it is prudent to consider a lateral thigh tuck prior to going into surgery so that buttock sagging is avoided. Another reason is the appearance of cellulite over the lower buttock and upper thighs. Cellulite appearance is best appreciated by dimples or divots observed in the skin. Cellulite is caused by skin redundancy which can be corrected with either filling of the concerned area or elimination of skin redundancy.
To choose between these two options, patients are asked to decide whether they are desiring a significant increase in their buttock size or whether they would rather achieve a firmer or button buttock appearance. For patients that are desiring a firmer. For patients desiring a more generous buttock, cellulite appearance can be improved by increased filling of these areas. For those desiring a firmer buttock, then the BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck is indicated.
BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck technique
BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck technique involves a lower back and upper buttock/lateral thigh excision design that hugs the new buttock cheek. The placement of lateral thigh tuck incisions will determine not only how much lift is achieved but also the final shape and height of the buttock.
BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck will lift your buttock cheek, eliminate cellulite in your lower buttock and upper thigh region, and define your new buttock dimensions. The lateral thigh tuck is typically performed by extending your tummy tuck incision line from the front by wrapping it around the lateral thigh. How far the lateral thigh tuck incision line wraps around the buttock is dependent on the degree of buttock droop.
Finally, BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck will result in tightening of the upper buttock contour thus eliminating a shelf deformity. This maneuver can result in making the buttock cheek firmer and smaller.
As such, most patients have their BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck combined with additional fat grafting to the buttock region. In summary, BBL revision with lateral thigh tuck is an advanced technique in buttock contouring and should be performed by a buttock specialist.