She demonstrates aesthetically pleasing breast contour as well as the improved contour of the back and abdomen as a result that proves a body look better after a breast reconstruction.
If you are a patient who has undergone breast surgery for cancer or another breast illness, and you are at a stage where you can safely have a breast reconstruction procedure, then you may have many questions. A big question is, will my body look better after breast reconstruction? The answer can be a definite yes, but it is crucial to do your research and make a consultation with a well experienced, top-performing, board-certified plastic surgeon.
Mirzania says yes, your body will look better after breast reconstruction. A breast reconstruction alone will improve breast asymmetry, breast ptosis, and present deflation. Breast reconstruction will restore the fullness in the breasts, correct the breast contour, and even the breasts to where the irregularities are corrected. The last stages of breast reconstruction include remaking the nipple-areolar and fat grafting to the breasts to improve the contour of the breasts bilaterally.
Correcting the contour irregularities of the breasts by using your own fat, will not only even the contour of the breasts and skin so they are not de-pulped, but also improve the contour of the body through the fat removal. Fat grafting to the breasts will result in an even contour as the fat is used almost as a puddy that can be placed into the spots of the breast that can be filled, even the breasts overall.
The fat is removed from the abdomen or wherever there is fat on the body and then harvested, and grafted to the breasts. This fat removal and harvest are performed by high definition liposuction and possibly a tummy tuck. High definition liposuction contours the body in a defined etiquette, contouring the body. The removed fat is harvested, then used for filling the breasts, and the harvested skin from the tummy tuck is used and grafted for the nipples. Fat grafting in the breast reconstruction thus evens out the contour of the breast and at the same time, contours the body.
Please contact board certified plastic surgeon Mirzania at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute in Laguna Beach, California to set up an in-person or virtual consultation to discuss and plan your breast reconstruction procedure.
Our 51-year-old patient here tolerated a bilateral breast reconstruction procedure with fat grafting from the abdomen and back.