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Tummy tuck before and after pictures provide a very important guide to patients who are trying to find and choose their perfect surgeon. Patients who undergo a tummy tuck procedure should demonstrate aesthetically pleasing results which include a low incision line, an “innie” belly button, and a maximally narrowed waistline.
Our Surgical Team is a world-renowned plastic surgeon who consistently delivers high-quality tummy tuck results.
The first thing to look for in tummy tuck pictures is a low incision line. Many inexperienced surgeons who perform tummy tucks create high incision lines, as opposed to the ideal low incision line.
A high incision line must be avoided, as it creates a visible incision that sticks out of undergarments and bikini bottoms. Another problem with misplaced, high incision line is the creation of a “step deformity” that describes a shelf along the pubic region that is deforming in appearance.
The second thing to look for in tummy tuck photographs is an “innie” belly button. Because the procedure involves creating a new belly button, called a “neoumbilicus”, it is imperative that the neoumbilicus be “innie” versus “outie” for an aesthetically pleasing result.
In order to construct the ideal “innie” belly button during the tummy tuck procedure, Our Surgical Team himself has developed and patented the “umbilicator”.
The umbilicator allows him to achieve an “innie” belly button since it allows for accurate identification of the belly button stalk that is a necessity for creating the belly button ring that lies in the shadow of the belly button, as opposed to a ring on the outside where it is visible.
The third thing to look for in tummy tuck pictures is a visibly narrower waist. Our Surgical Team’s “TT” procedure results in a narrower abdominal area that is achieved by strategically limiting the dissection of the skin undermining over the belly.
When the undermining is performed widely, there is a tenting effect that results in the effacement of a narrow waistline.
The last thing to look for in the pictures is proper muscle plication in order to avoid the dreaded “muffin top deformity” seen in many mishandled tummy tuck cases.
For a woman to achieve aesthetically pleasing silhouette, the upper abdomen should be concave and the lower abdomen should be slightly convex. This can only be achieved with appropriate gauging of the muscle tightening that is performed above the belly button in contrast to the below the belly button.
Tummy Tuck Before And After Difference
In summary, when looking at tummy tuck before and after pictures, it is crucial for the patient to view the results with a critical eye. Patients are therefore encouraged to browse through our website to appreciate the bodily improvements that are possible with this procedure.
Our Surgical Team ensures he avoids traditional complications with his tummy tuck patients; as depicted in his tummy tuck pictures, it is evident that all of his procedures are performed with grace and skill for the ideal result every time.
Please see this 45-year-old female who demonstrates a natural tummy tuck result.