Invisible Incision Line Upper Blepharoplasty

Invisible incision line upper blepharoplasty is feasible only when accurate upper eyelid incision lines are utilized. Upper blepharoplasty refers to the removal of unappealing upper eyelid skin redundancy. This skin redundancy occurs with aging and chronic gravitational pull on your upper eyelid skin. The skin redundancy can become so bad that it actually leans on your upper eyelid margin down and affects your vision.

This hindrance to your vision is called compromised visual field gauze and can be evaluated with a simple non-intrusive test. Regardless, patients can choose to undergo an upper eyelid blepharoplasty for both cosmetic and functional reasons. However, the most common complaint observed from patients referred to our office or observed on the Realself platform, is that the upper eyelid incision is visible.

Patients are asking for this procedure, in order to create the invisible incision line upper blepharoplasty, the surgical excision line must be positioned in the supratarsal crease which is the naturally occurring crease created when the eyes are opened.

Placement of the surgical excision line becomes naturally desirable in this crease as it is invisible when the eyes are open. The only concern with limiting the incision line to the supratarsal crease remains the fact that skin redundancy cannot be accommodated over the lateral aspect of the eyelid. If you do have skin redundancy that extends to beyond the lateral upper eyelid, then you must consider extending the excision line of your upper blepharoplasty to beyond the supratarsal crease.

Invisible incision line upper blepharoplasty is feasible when skin redundancy is limited to within the orbital rim. The orbital rim is the bony prominence that defines the limit of the orbit that houses the eyeball. In patients with limited upper eyelid skin redundancy, the use of this procedure is preferred. When the upper eyelid incision line is carefully positioned, then patients can take advantage of the improvement in their upper eyelid contour using an upper eyelid incision that is camouflaged from others.

If you are interested in having an invisible incision line upper blepharoplasty, you are encouraged to make a consultation with Our Surgical Team so that he can evaluate the extent of your upper eyelid skin redundancy. When the redundancy is favorably positioned, then an upper blepharoplasty that utilizes an invisible upper eyelid incision line. Of note, the upper eyelid incision even if requiring extension over the lateral orbit, will eventually heal and fade.

A 49-year-old female patient demonstrated upper eyelid skin redundancy. Underwent upper blepharoplasty.

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Author: Paris Sabo MD
Fellowship Trained, Cosmetic Surgeon

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