Breast augmentation revision surgeon in Orange County provides patients in Southern California with a wide range of plastic surgeons to choose from. Orange County consists of some of the most prominent plastic surgeons in the country.
Another appealing aspect of breast augmentation revision surgeon in Orange County is it is often a cheaper alternative to various plastic surgeons in the Los Angeles County or Beverly Hills area.
Ideal breast augmentation should focus on a few key points. Overall, the revision should result in a correction of all contour irregularities that were created by the original breast augmentation. Secondly, any breast asymmetry needs to be addressed and corrected.
Breast augmentation revision also gives you the opportunity to reassess your desired shape and size by choosing a new implant size. Finally, any excess skin redundancy should also be treated in this revision surgery
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute offers an ideal solution to breast augmentation revision surgeons in Orange County searches. The patient shown here came to Our Surgical Team after searching for a breast augmentation revision surgeon in Orange County. At her initial consultation, it was discovered that she had a capsular contraction in her right medial lower pole and left upper pole.
She also showed breast asymmetry and a poorly healed periareolar scar. This breast augmentation revision also allowed Our Surgical Team to increase her breast implant size and reduce her nipple areolar size to the patient’s desire.
Once you undergo a consultation with a breast augmentation revision surgeon in Orange County, you will be able to make a decision on the surgeon. This 39-year-old female needed a breast augmentation in Orange County to replace her prior silicone breast implants.
By traveling to Orange County from Los Angeles County, she was able to achieve a beautiful breast revision result while avoiding an unnecessarily high price. Contact us at Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Institute for a complimentary consultation for a breast augmentation revision.